This website
Hi! You have found the personal website of Malte Esders.
I suppose the value of personal websites is somewhat debatable. I intend to blog about whatever I find interesting in the moment, which means that this blog will be too incoherent for anyone to have an interest in subscribing (therefore I won't even offer that as an option). Instead, some people will probably read this website as an extended CV of sorts, which is fine. Others, I hope, will find one of the posts via a search engine because they are interested in a related topic.
This website is created with hugo, and I write all posts in orgmode syntax with the awesome orgmode plugin in neovim.
Academic about me
Malte Esders is a doctoral researcher in the Machine Learning group at TU Berlin. His research interests lie in the application of Machine Learning to the physical sciences. He has published work that ranges from the sub-nanoscale, where relevant distances are measured in Ångström, to large chemical plants, where mass flowrates are measured in kilograms per second.
Before joining the Machine Learning group, Malte Esders obtained a Bachelor's degree in Cognitive- and Neurobiological Psycholgy at Utrecht University, and wrote his Bachelor's thesis at UC San Diego. He continued his education to obtain a Master's degree in Computational Neuroscience from the Bernstein Center Berlin. In his Master's thesis (at Harvard University), he improved a method for image segmentation of electron-microscopical images of neural tissue.
Casual about me
I like to participate in all kinds of open collaboration projects, like Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, the Fediverse, various open source projects etc.
Wikipedia profile